Manual Handling is the transporting or supporting of a load that involves lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving.
Manual Handling Training Course is aimed at all levels of employees who may undertake manual handling operations in their workplace.
Every third employee gets involved in injury due to incorrect manual handling.
The aim of this course is to provide the learner with the knowledge, skills and attitude to be able to perform manual handling tasks correctly and safely.
On completion of this course participants will:
• Become familiar with legislation requirements,
• Be able to explain relevance of Manual Handling to Anatomy, Biomechanics and Ergonomics,
• Select mechanical equipment correctly,
• Understand ergonomics and carry out risk assessment,
• Be aware of good back care practices and importance of fitness and nutrition,
• Be able to lift loads correctly and recognize a load which may be awkward, too heavy or unsafe to lift.
Training delivery includes both lecture methods (including PowerPoint presentation) and practical work with "hands-on" experience.
Course duration is 2-3 hours depending on number of candidates.
Maximum recommended number of participants: 12
All participants will be assessed on safe lifting / moving techniques before they complete written exam.
Fully compliant Manual Handling Certificates are issued on the completion of the course - subject to successful theory and practical assessment. It is recommended that refresher training should be provided at intervals not more than every three years or where there is a change in work practices resulting in the introduction of a new system of work related to manual handling or use of equipment to handled loads.
All our trainers are fully qualified QQI Level 6 Manual Handling Instructors with experience in training delivery and expertise in lifting techniques.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
No. We only provide training for groups of 6 or more.
No. We only deliver training at client's premises. However, if your premises is not suitable for training delivery, we may help in organising alternative venue.
Most of our courses do not require booking deposit payment. However is some cases where training involves multiple sessions and several days to be be booked, we may require deposit payment in advance.
If you need to cancel your training already booked, we will be happy to accomodate you with alternative dates.
By providing training and information to your staff on how to conduct manual handling activities safely you are complying with legal requirements.
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